What will make you a great hairstylist:

I strongly believe that what will make you a great hairstylist isn’t one singular thing, event, person, etc. And it’s not having perfect results every time you try something.
It’s the culmination of all the tiny little things you pick up along the way to becoming better and more evolved. It’s the blending hack you learned from someone’s reel. It’s the tiny little piece of advice your mentor gave you. It’s the one placement that seemed to clarify a lot for you. It’s the encouraging quote you heard at a virtual event you attended. It’s the one color tip you learned from the class you took. It’s the organization tip that you heard in the YouTube you watched.
The curiosity and desire to continue to grow, learn and evolve is absolutely crucial to success. Being okay with not being 100% sure what you’re doing, but enjoying the process along the way not only keeps things exciting and fun, but it keeps you humble, grounded, hungry for improvement and allows for so much growth. I firmly believe that becoming stagnant is when burnout sets in.
If you’re looking for more guidance and mentorship along your journey, I’d love to be that person!! My virtual education platform has over 120 videos plus you can DM me on the @the.BCU page and I will personally talk you through any issues or questions that come up. Click the link below to learn more!