What helped me feel more confident with new clients


New clients made me absolutely panic. Like full anxiety attack mode. When I first started doing hair I would only take new clients on certain days and never on a Friday or Saturday because if they hated their hair my entire weekend would be ruined because I would be obsessing over it (what’s it like to be normal and not overthink everything? 😂).

Would they come in wanting a technique that I had no idea how to do? What if they needed a base color that I didn’t know how to formulate? What if they wanted lowlights? (lowlights used to send me spiraling because I had one too many lowlight mess ups 😅). The hard thing was that I knew I needed to take new clients because hello, this was my job and I wanted to make money. But I hattteddd the way a new client made me panic.

The biggest thing that helped with feeling confident was practice and experience. (But sometimes I still get anxiety from new clients!) Above all else, just doing more hair made me feel like I could take a new client and not have a full blown anxiety attack. But a few other things really helped me:

➕Having some sort of communication with the client prior to the appt where I can get current hair photos, inspo photos and a brief hair history (I recommend setting up a consult form so this can all be done virtually!)

➕Giving myself PLENTY of time for new clients. Even if something wasn’t what I expected when the client sat down in my chair, knowing that I would have ample time to work through it was helpful.

If you’re looking for someone to mentor you through any struggles that you might be experiencing, I’d love to help you out in my virtual education platform BCU! Click HERE to learn more!


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